Rules of Anti Diagonal Sudoku Puzzle
Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each of the empty cells so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 outlined box. Additionally every main/marked diagonal contains only 3 different numbers (e.g. 1,2,6).
Here are some tips for solving Anti Diagonal Sudoku puzzles:
Start by filling in the numbers that you know for sure. This will help you to narrow down the possibilities for the other numbers.
Look for patterns and sequences in the grid. This can help you to identify which numbers are likely to be in certain places.
Use the elimination method to rule out impossible solutions. If a number cannot appear in a certain row, column, or block, then it cannot appear in either of the main diagonals either.
Be patient and persistent. Anti Diagonal Sudoku puzzles can be difficult, but they are definitely possible to solve.