Diagonal sudoku 4x4

Diagonal Sudoku is a variation of Sudoku that has two additional rules:

  • The numbers in each diagonal must also be different.
  • The numbers in each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid must also be different.

image image The first rule is similar to the rule in standard Sudoku, but the second rule is new. This means that there are now two sets of constraints that must be satisfied: the constraints for the diagonals and the constraints for the rows, columns, and 3x3 subgrids. Diagonal Sudoku puzzles can be more challenging than standard Sudoku puzzles because they require players to think more creatively and use more problem-solving skills. For example, players may need to find ways to place numbers in the diagonals so that they do not repeat in the rows, columns, or 3x3 subgrids.

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Diagonal sudoku 4x4 https://gridpuzzle.com/diagonal-sudoku-4x4