Tapa Islands

Tapa Islands Rules:

  • Islands and Cells:

    • White cells form separate areas ("islands") surrounded by the black cells.

    • Each separate area may contain at most one clue cell.

    • If there is a clue cell in an area, at least one digit should give the size of that area in unit squares.

  • Clue Cells:

    • If a clue cell is present within an island, at least one of its digits should represent the size (in unit squares) of that island.

    • Clue cells may contain multiple digits separated by commas. Each digit represents the size of a distinct connected area of black cells within the island.

    • The black cell areas corresponding to different digits within a clue cell must be separated by at least one white cell.

Tapa Islands Puzzle:
Tapa Islands


Tapa Islands

Tapa Islands Solving Techniques:

1. Identify and Mark Isolated White Cells:

  • Start by examining the edges of the black cells. If a white cell is only adjacent to a single black cell, it must remain white. Mark these isolated white cells.

2. Utilize the "No 2x2 Black Cells" Rule:

  • Analyze the arrangement of black cells around white cells. If filling in the surrounding white cells would result in a 2x2 area of black cells, at least one of those white cells must remain white. Mark these white cells.

3. Process Clue Cells:

  • For each clue cell, identify the connected white cells that form the island.

  • At least one digit in the clue cell must represent the area of this island. Fill in the corresponding number of black cells within the island, ensuring they are connected.

4. Handle Multiple Digits in Clue Cells:

  • If a clue cell contains multiple digits, the black cells within the corresponding island must be divided into separate segments. Each segment corresponds to one of the digits.

  • Separate these segments by at least one white cell. Fill in the black cells according to the digit values, ensuring they are connected within their respective segments.

5. Progressive Filling and Deduction:

  • Continue applying these techniques to the remaining cells. As you fill in more black and white cells, you'll gain more information to deduce the placements of others.


Tapa Islands puzzles require logical reasoning and careful observation to divide the grid into islands and fill in the black cells appropriately. By identifying isolated white cells, applying the "no 2x2 black cells" rule, processing clue cells, handling multiple digits in clue cells, and using progressive filling and deduction, you can successfully solve these puzzles.

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