Twin Corresponding Anti-diagonal Sudoku

Twin Corresponding Sudoku is a variation of the traditional Sudoku grid that must be solved using the rules of Sudoku, but the numbers must correspond to each other on each grid.

There are two grids in Twin Corresponding Sudoku, and each number in one grid corresponds to the same number in the other grid. For example, if the number 6 is in a cell in one grid, then the number 2 must be in the corresponding cell in the other grid, and vice versa.

This extra rule adds a new layer of complexity to Sudoku, and it can be quite challenging to solve. However, it is also a very rewarding puzzle to solve, and it is a great way to improve your Sudoku skills.

Rules of Twin Corresponding Sudoku

  • Two Standard Sudoku Grids: You'll see two standard 9x9 Sudoku grids side-by-side.

  • Standard Sudoku Rules Apply: Each individual grid must follow the standard Sudoku rules. Each row, column, and 3x3 box must contain all digits (1-9) without repetition.

  • Corresponding Values: The key twist is the connection between the grids. Digits in corresponding cells across the two grids represent the same value. For example, if cell (2,1) in grid A has a 4, the corresponding cell (2,1) in grid B must have a specific digit that always represents 4 in this puzzle. This corresponding value might be 7, but that will be determined by solving the puzzle.

Twin Corresponding Anti-diagonal Sudoku Additional Rules

  • In Anti Diagonal Sudoku each diagonal has at most three different digits.

Tips for solving Twin Corresponding Anti-diagonal Sudoku:

  • Solve Like Regular Sudoku (Partially): Use your usual Sudoku solving techniques like scanning for singles (cells with only one possible option) and hidden singles (eliminating possibilities based on options in other cells within a row/column/box) on each grid individually.

  • Identify Corresponding Values: Look for cells in the same position across the grids that have already been filled. This creates a crucial link. For example, if cell (3,4) in grid A has a 2 and cell (3,4) in grid B has a 8, you can now fill in all empty cells in grid A with 8 wherever you see a 2, and vice versa in grid B.

  • Leverage the Link: As you solve one grid and identify corresponding values, use that information to fill in the other grid. This creates a feedback loop, accelerating your progress.

  • Scan for Additional Singles: Filling cells based on corresponding values might reveal new singles or hidden singles in each grid. Keep applying standard Sudoku techniques alongside the correspondence rule.

  • Logical Deduction: Sometimes, you might not have a direct corresponding value placement but can use logical deduction based on the link. For example, if a row in grid A eliminates the possibility of 5, the corresponding row in grid B must also eliminate the corresponding value (let's say 3)

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Like regular Sudoku, practice is key. Start with easier puzzles to grasp the mechanics of the corresponding value system.

Twin Corresponding Sudoku is a fun and challenging puzzle that is a great way to improve your Sudoku skills. Give it a try today!


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Twin Corresponding Anti-diagonal Sudoku question:

Twin Corresponding Anti-diagonal Sudoku question

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Twin Corresponding Anti-diagonal Sudoku